Iraqi Police Education Program
The IACP Center for Police Leadership and Training is looking for State and Mid-Sized City Law Enforcement Agencies to be partners in an exceptional opportunity for the International Law Enforcement Community: Instituting a Democratic Style of Policing in Iraq.
The mission of the Iraqi Police Education Program (IPEP) is to expose visiting Iraqi National Police officers to United States law enforcement training and policing techniques. These training programs will occur in classroom and field environments in police departments across the United States. Agencies can facilitate training for the Iraqi officers by providing ride-alongs, crime scene investigation techniques, or critical incident command leadership training.
IACP is working with over 20 state, local and federal partner law enforcement organizations to create an environment where the Iraqi, Kurdish and American participants can train and work together in a manner that encourages the free exchange of information, ideas and the establishment of professional and personal relationships. By shadowing officers in host police departments, and training with them on the street and in the classroom, the Iraqi and Kurdish officers get classroom learning and “hands on” field training. By working and socializing together, we establish trust between the host officers, the IACP staff and the Iraqi participants, laying a foundation that sustains the program in the future through the global reach of technology.