Mourning Linda M. Thurston: Funeral Service Info
May 31st, 2021
For people who are in New York, there will be a public viewing and funeral service scheduled for Wednesday June 2nd from 6 PM – 8 PM ET and Thursday June 3rd at 11 AM ET this week at T.C. Carrillo Funeral Service in the Bronx, respectively. The details are posted on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and also available at the end of this email. Note the venue is wheelchair accessible, however does not have childcare.
For people who are not able to make it to the physical funeral, there will be a digital livestream of the service starting at 11AM ET on Thursday June 3rd. You can watch at
For people who are able to make a financial contribution to honor Linda’s life, you may participate through this GoFundMe set up by Linda’s family:
For folks who have photos to share of and with Linda, please upload them here:
And last, but certainly not least: You can join us in honoring Linda’s life by engaging in solidarity work with incarcerated folks this week. Linda worked extensively in support of incarcerated folks, including on campaigns to free Mumia Abu-Jamal, political activist and WRL Peace Awardee. Take action to press decision-makers for Mumia’s release, and the release of all prisoners and read Mumia’s article “From Bases to Bars,” published in WRL’s WIN magazine in 2009.
War Resisters League and Linda’s family will be planning a Celebration of Life in August, details to follow.
In grief and with love and solidarity,
War Resisters League