For our 97th Birthday, take our membership survey for a chance to win raffle tickets!

On October 19, 1923, New York City educator and queer activist* Jessie Wallace Hughan wrote in her diary:

“Tracy [Mygatt] to dinner—had hair done—organized real War Resisters League.

That was 97 years ago today.

At WRL resisting war has always meant addressing the root causes of violence by forging relationships and building movements that empower individual people to take collective action. Resisting war requires that we trust each other, know each other, and share alignment in values.

As we move into our 97th year we want to know more about what you care about, how you’re engaging in antiwar work, and what your hopes and dreams are. 

To help us celebrate our birthday this year, will you take 4-5 minutes to take our membership survey?

Be one of the first 97 people to respond and we’ll enter 12 tickets to our 32nd Annual Raffle for Resistance in your name. See below for prizes and more details!

Thanks for helping us celebrate 97 years of resistance and for all you do!

In Solidarity, 


From vintage movement memorabilia to popular education packages and a weekend getaway, our raffle is a WRL community staple and grassroots fundraiser we’re glad you participate in each year! Your raffle contribution directly supports WRL’s antiwar programs and campaigns to end war and militarism at home and abroad.

RAFFLE DRAWING: December 18, 2020

$3 per ticket or $25 for 12 tickets

Check out prizes here and good luck!

CORRECTION: While there is speculation that Jessie Wallace Hughan was what we would call today a queer woman, there is no evidence to suggest she identified this way. We celebrate Jessie Wallace Hughan for her radical pacifism, particularly at a time when being a pacifist was a death sentence for those who refused to fight. 

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