Shared Space, Shared Vision!

Dear Friends,  

I’m Sky Hall, a member of WRL’s National Committee, sustainer at WRL, and neighbor to WRL as a member of the AJ Muste Institute’s staff union in our new shared office space.

In this year of transitions—some exciting and others foreboding on a presidential scale—WRL bid farewell to our beloved home of more than 40 years at 339 Lafayette Street, fondly dubbed The Peace Pentagon, and joined many of our longtime neighbors in the Muste Institute’s new NYC shared office space.

While the executive branch of the federal government moves in its new administration, we continue to work as we always have, alongside groups organizing to resist the root causes of war. We are peace activists, labor organizers, radical lawyers, videographers, and community organizers sharing workspace and rubbing elbows. And we are preparing for deeper resistance.

Our move to new office space at 168 Canal Street has meant big changes for all of us this year. Though WRL’s new office is a bit smaller than our last home, we’re sharing more resources amongst tenants floor-wide, and using our new space to host vitally needed events, meetings, and trainings.

To highlight a few of our righteous neighbors: “Undocumented, Unapologetic and Unafraid” is the slogan of the brave young organizers of New York State Youth Leadership Council. In anticipation of life under the rule of one who is sure to be world’s most murderous landlord, Metropolitan Council on Housing continues to organize for tenants’ rights. And groups like Granny Peace Brigade and the anti-imperialist, feminist AF3IRM meet to plan for nonviolent direct actions and events. 

Many of you supported us earlier this year, as we braved our move and prepared to pack up nearly 50 years of movement history. Those gifts continue to support ongoing archival work, so that our movements and those to come can learn from the work that has been done before.


Sky Hall


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