Run for Peace 2009
Dear Friends,
The War Resisters League does a lot of work for peace—organizing demonstrations, publishing a quarterly magazine, developing resources and trainings on nonviolence… Most of this work is done from the comfort of a chair (although you can get a workout on the picket line).
Now, the War Resisters League is taking our message of peace and pacifism and hitting the road—literally. Patrick Sheehan-Gaumer and Frida Berrigan -— members of WRL’s National Committee —- and long time WRL member Mike Levinson, are marathoning for peace. Patrick is going all out — running the full 26.2 marathon miles — while Frida and Mike are testing their metal against the half marathon.
As we train towards this goal, we hope that you’ll make a contribution below to WRL in recognition of our effort.
The Hartford Marathon takes place Saturday, October 10th. If you happen to be in Hartford and want to come cheer us on, that would be awesome!! And the race is open through October 9th, so there is still plenty of time to join the race. More information about joining or cheering is here:
The timing of the race could not be more important. At the beginning of that week, the War Resisters League will be in Washington, DC, protesting President Barack Obama’s continuation of some of the worst of the Bush administration, the war in Afghanistan. Hundreds will be gathering at the White House to “No to War in Afghanistan. No to Torture and Vengeance.” More information on this action, and actions around the country this week are online at
We continue to work for peace with justice, supporting the young men and women who hear their consciences above the drum beat of war, educating the next generation about living lives of “service” without entering the military services, providing resources on the costs of war and how to remove ones complicity to that war by refusing to pay federal taxes that go to the Pentagon, and the many other things that the War Resisters League does.
Please join us. Please support us.
Be the wind beneath our knees as we run (and sweat) for peace. Thank you.
October 5, 2009: Direct Action at the White House Against Continued War and Torture
October 7, 2009: United for Peace and Justice local actions through the country
October 10, 2009: Run for Peace (otherwise known as the ING Hartford Marathon)
You can also mail donations to:
War Resisters League
339 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10012
Tired feet, Strong hearts,
Frida Berrigan
Patrick Sheehan-Gaumer
Mike Levinson