Prisoners for Peace Day

Each year on December 1st War Resisters’ International and its member mark Prisoners for Peace Day, when WRI and its affiliates (including WRL) publicise the names and stories of those imprisoned for actions for peace. Many are conscientious objectors, in jail for refusing to join the military. Others have taken nonviolent actions to disrupt preparation for war.

This day is a chance for you to demonstrate your support for those individuals and their movements, by writing to those whose freedom has been taken away from them because of their work for peace.

Write to peace activists in prison – find the details here on the WRI website, or download the list of prisoners.

Since its foundation in 1921, working for imprisoned conscientious objectors and peace activists – prisoners for peace – has been a central part of the work of War Resisters’ International.

For more information, check out the WRI website.

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