Training for a Nonviolent Mass Movement!

Training across Generations Earlier this month over two dozen organizers from across the Northeast gathered at the Voluntown Peace Trust in Connecticut for the first in a series of planned “Training 4 Trainers” weekends.

“WRL has a long history of providing resources in nonviolence training. This past weekend strengthened our commitment by offering this unique Training 4 Trainers to long-standing and emerging movements.”

— Joanne Sheehan, WRL New England Staff and co-editor of the Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns.

Activists and organizers from Nukewatch, Hearing Youth Voices, AF3IRM, Students for Justice in Palestine, the YaYa Network, Stop the F35, LGBTQ + Youth Kickback and ICE-FREE NYC were among those present. Participants highlighted that they gained a deep knowledge of the history and purpose of nonviolent action, received time-tested tools for developing strategic campaigns, and learned how to be stronger facilitators by practicing communication, participation, and reflection skills.

“I learned that you can really fight the powers-that-be with nonviolent action and coordinate how effective we can be through training.”

  — Julian Larson, LGBTQ +Youth Kickback

Now is the time for nonviolent training across the country and across movements. With the legacy of movement leaders to strengthen us, WRL will push forward in our commitment to building intergenerational leadership for nonviolent social change. Stay posted for more Trainings 4 Trainers, as we continue to expand a network of trainers!

Check out the War Resisters League YouTube page for videos from participants in the Training.

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