WRL Track Club

War, Empire and the Economy Got You Down?

We have the Solution!

Don’t Just Stand There…. Run!

The War Resisters League Track Club is committed to building community and building muscles, and we want to run with you.

After a decade long (or so) hiatus, we reformed in 2009, and ran the Hartford Marathon and Half Marathon and two winter 15Ks in New York City.

Now we’re gearing up for another year of running and resisting war.

On Sunday, June 13, 2010, we ran the Worcester (Massachusetts) Half Marathon. Our team of 25 runners took Third Place, running to help infuse a culture of peace and social justice in this inaugural event.

Last year, the team raised a few thousand dollars for the War Resisters League. Yeah! And thanks to all who contributed! This year, we’re still running for peace but we want to focus our energies on building the team. So, we’ll forgo the fundraising component this year and try our hand at fun-raising instead!

We meet and march and organize together, now let’s run and romp together too.

Runnin’ for Peace,

Frida Berrigan, frida.berrigan[at]gmail.com

Patrick Sheehan-Gaumer, sheehpa[at]googlemail.com

Self-Appointed Team Captains

Patrick and Frida standing
Photo of Patrick and Frida from December 19th 15K in Central Park (on one of the coldest days of the year) by Matt Mercier.Caption


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