You Can’t Take What’s All of Ours! Breaking Down NATO/G8 and Rising Up Against Austerity and Militarism


To mark the NATO summit held in May 2012 in Chicago and the simultaneous G8 summit held in Camp David, Maryland, War Resisters League and the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance released a new popular education resource.

This participatory workshop explores:

  • The story of NATO and G8: who makes them up, what they do, and how they have grown over time;


  • How NATO and G8 have worked together to profit from and control most areas of the world, especially the Global South;


  • How the countries that control NATO/G8 have imposed an economic and/or military agenda on the people of Afghanistan, Libya, Greece, Iraq and other countries throughout the world, including the U.S.;


  • How specific banks central to NATO/G8 countries’ economic policies profit from militarism;


  • How struggles against economic austerity, war and militarism are connected across the globe; and


  • What we can do make the connections for our networks and communities between global and local struggles for justice.

Download the curriculum here.

Download the slideshow supplement to the curriculum.


  • Militarism

Resource Type:

  • Workshop/Training Resources