Centennial History Projects

One Hundred Years of Nonviolent Resistance to War

October 19, 2023 marked the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the War Resisters League. We have an active WRL 100th History Committee working on a number of projects and we invite your participation.

WRL’s 100th Anniversary Traveling Exhibit – Traveling set of banners featuring highlights of WRL’s history. There is also a book that reproduces all of the exhibit. Let us know if you are interested in hosting an exhibit and we will send more information.

Timeline: One Hundred Years of War Resisters League 

Timeline: One Hundred Years of War Resisters League 

Centennial History Book

A full-color, 84-page, 7” x 9” book that reproduces WRL’s 100th Anniversary Traveling Exhibit, including 186 images, a timeline of key demonstrations and other events, WRL programs, notable individuals, publications throughout WRL’s history. Also listed are all wars of which the United States was a part during WRL’s history.

WRL’s Centennial History Blog – Regular posts of stories, images, etc from the archives and peoples’ personal recollections

Oral History interviews – We are inviting members and friends to record your WRL stories through the practice of oral histories. We are organizing a number of oral history training opportunities, so let us know if you are interested in recording your own story and interviewing others.

Upcoming and Past Events

Current Events

Past Events

Regional Events

  • Plans are being made by folks who have been involved in the regional offices at WRL West, Southeast, and New England.
  • If you are in the metropolitan area, join our anniversary planning group in New York City; for more information send an email to nycwrl@nycwarresisters.org.

Other Projects

 • Centenary artwork – new poster now available on our store!

 • Direct Action – in the long and storied tradition of WRL, folks in NYC are discussing a possible nonviolent action in 2024 and we encourage others around the country to do the same.

 • Compiling a bibliography of WRL histories and creating short biographies to highlight the people whose stories have gone untold. 

If you are interested in any of these 100th Anniversary projects or have ideas about others, please contact us at wrl100history@warresisters.org. The committee’s task is to help coordinate projects being done by smaller groups. 

– Stay Tuned for updates on these activities and more! –