Author: Oskar Castro

Oskar Castro is a senior program analyst with the American Friends Service Committee covering issues related to peace, militarism, and the demilitarization of youth. He has been involved in human and civil rights discussions related to peace activism, political prisoners, and social justice for the last 18 years.
Maryland Opts Out of ASVAB

Maryland Opts Out of ASVAB

Standardized tests have long been the scourge of high school students’ academic careers. New York State students take the dreaded Regents exams, California students take the CSTs, and Texas students take the TAKS. Those preparing to apply to college ready themselves for the PSATs and SATs. Yet, some high school students, voluntarily or not, take…

Recruiting Latinos

Facing a drop in African American recruitment numbers, yet still hoping to entice poor people of color, military recruiters are currently working overtime to swell the ranks with young Latinos and Latinas. Latinos are 14 percent of the U.S. population aged 18 to 44 and 14 percent of the active duty military population—up from 9.5…

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