Author: tadpole

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Activist News

U.S. Troops in Iraq Say End War in 2006 An overwhelming 72 percent of American troops serving in Iraq think the United States should exit the country within the next year, and more than one in four say the troops should leave immediately, a new Le Moyne College/Zogby International survey shows. The poll, conducted in…

Activist News

UFPJ Rejects Future Work With A.N.S.W.E.R. On December 12, the antiwar coalition United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) issued a statement entitled “Ending the War in Iraq, Building a Broad Movement for Peace and Justice, and Our Experience with ANSWER,” in which they announced the steering committee’s decision on December 4 to end future work…

WRL News

WRL Organizers Meet in NC Up until a couple of years ago, the structure of the WRL involved twice-yearly meetings of the elected National Committee plus representatives of each local. But the meetings were primarily concerned with business and the structure didn’t meet the locals’ needs to share organizing ideas. So WRL separated the two…

NVA Letters

Déjà Vu I am deeply troubled by the article written by Bill Weinberg in your Nov-Dec 2005 issue: “The Question of International A.N.S.W.E.R.” As a 72-year-old who remembers the intra-left squabbles of the many “Socialist/Socialist Workers/SPF”groups of the 1950s and how those futile conflicts served mainly to fuel the right-wingers and the Joseph McCarthyite movement…

Witness Against Torture Marches to Guantánamo

Carrying outrage, compassion, and tourist visas, 25 U.S. activists began an 80-mile-march from Santiago, Cuba, on December 5, in the hopes reaching the U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay and visiting prisoners detained there under horrific conditions. The activists, drawn largely from Catholic Worker communities across the United States, named their journey “Witness Against Torture,”…

YouthPeace Experiment 3

YouthPeace Experiment 3

by Emily Taylor On the weekend of December 1-3, 21 New England YouthPeace members came together for a conference of discussions and workshops at the Equity Trust center in Voluntown, CT. Among the topics we discussed were violence and nonviolence, racism, homophobia, the struggle to oust the U.S. Navy from Vieques, Puerto Rico, and gender…

Just another day at the mall in Waterford, CT. Photo by Joanne Sheehan.

International YouthPeace Week 2000

The fourth annual International YouthPeace Week, November 24-December 1, 2000, featured mall and shopping center actions that underlined the relationships among the products people buy (consumerism), the sweatshops that make the products (globalization) and the armies that police the sweatshops (militarism). With a growing youth movement against corporate globalization, International YouthPeace Week allowed young activists…

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