
Bite the Bullet

Bite the Bullet

Individuals, companies and corporations have always taken advantage of warfare to make enormous economic profit. For centuries, ordinary people, who suffer most from war, have resisted these war profiteers. One of the major factors in Harry S. Truman’s rise to the U.S. presidency was his relentless (“Give ’em Hell, Harry!”) pursuit of war profiteers. But…

WRL is looking or a Summer 2012 Freeman Intern to work in Fundraising and Membership Development

Want to hone or share your grassroots fundraising skills? Want to work with one of the oldest and most exciting anti-militarism organizations? We are currently taking applications for our Summer  2012 Freeman Internship Program, which runs for 13 weeks starting June 4  (dates are flexible).  Application deadline:  May 11. You do not have to be…

Empire on Wall Street

Empire on Wall Street

On 10/14, WRL and the South Asia Solidarity Initiative organized an action at Occupy Wall Street about the costs of U.S. military intervention all over the world and those who profit from it. Download the toolkit for a National Day of Action on November 17th, when we will be asking our members and supporters to…

Marv Davidov, 1931 – 2012

Marv Davidov, 1931 – 2012

Long-time Minnesota peace activist Marv Davidov died on January 14 at age 80. WRL New England Staffer Joanne Sheehan wrote about Marv on the War Resisters International website: “I don’t remember when I first met Marv Davidov, sometime in the ’70.  I first heard of him when I learned about the Honeywell Project, which he…

Legal support for G.I.s participating in Occupy Wall Street actions

As veterans and servicemembers have been joining in and supporting their local #Occupy movements, the Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild has stepped up to coordinate legal support for active duty servicemembers, reservists, and veterans who are facing harassment and/or legal sanctions for participating in these important protests. The MLTF can be…

Protesters convicted in Protest at Vandenberg Air Force Base

Father Louie Vitale was convicted and fined $1000 for trespass at Vandenberg protesting the ICBM launch on August 22, 2009. Sister Megan Rice was convicted and fined $500 for the same incident. More details available soon.  See for background on the protest and updates on the convictions of Fr. Louie and Sr. Megan.

War Voices: A dialogue on ten years of U.S.-led war and occupation

War Voices: A dialogue on ten years of U.S.-led war and occupation

On October 7th, War Resisters League joined with a number of our partner organizations in the anti-war movement to host War Voices,* a dialogue on these past ten years of U.S.-led war and occupation and their connections to the militarization of life here in the U.S. and globally. The evening’s discussions among community leaders and…

10 Years of detention and torture: Witness Against Torture January actions

10 Years of detention and torture: Witness Against Torture January actions

From January 2-12 Witness Against Torture will spend two weeks in Washington D.C. leading up to the 10 year commemoration of the Guantanamo prison and along with it a system of indefinite detention and torture that  targets Arab, South Asian, and Muslim men and necessitates the spread of  rampant Islamophobia that we have seen escalating…

May 12 Actions

On May 12, the War Resisters League participated in a day of teach-ins and actions with a broad coalition of unions and community organizations in New York City to stop the state and federal budget cuts which are threatening so many, and to highlight the billions that NYC tax payers are contributing to wars. Click…

One Year After the Egyptian Revolution: Tear Gas and Police Repression

One Year After the Egyptian Revolution: Tear Gas and Police Repression

Tear gas, policing, and the counter-revolution:  January 25 marked one year since the beginning of the Egyptian revolution. One year after the fall of the Mubarak regime, the Egyptian people are still in the streets, calling for an end to the rule of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) that took power after…

The War Resisters League Commemorates the 66th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

The War Resisters League Commemorates the 66th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

For a list of events organized by Pax Christi USA chapters and affiliates please visit: Friday August 5th.   4:00PM: at Dag Hammerskjold Plaza – East 47 St between 1 & 2 Aves, NYC. Musical performances by Ray Korona, the Raging Grannies, The Peaceniks, Russell Daisey, Bruce Markow and special guest from Japan singer/songwriter,…

Join Witness Against Torture’s Days of Action in D.C. June 22-25 2011

CALL TO ACTION – JOIN US ON JUNE 22-25, 2011 We must continue to speak and act against the ongoing crime of Guantanamo! We walk in shame and grief and anger. We walk mindful of broken promises, hollow words, and bankrupt institutions. We walk for men torn from their families and homelands, tortured and abused…

Act with Iraqis Standing Up to the US Military Presence in Their Country

Act with Iraqis Standing Up to the US Military Presence in Their Country

Since February 25th Iraqis – fueled by the air of audacity sweeping the Arab world – have been organizing weekly Friday protests against government corruption and sectarianism, a shocking lack of public services, and for the release of Iraq’s thousands of arbitrarily imprisoned. This coming April 9th though, 8 Iraqi civil-society organizations are taking this…

Israeli Apartheid Week 2011

Israeli Apartheid Week 2011

Throughout March 2011, in cities all around the globe, Palestine solidarity activists are participating in Israeli Apartheid Week. IAW is a flurry of events which aim to expose the multiple ways the state of Israel commits the crime of Apartheid, as well as call on global civil society to participate in BDS – boycott, divestment…

April 8 2011 Pentagon Action

Announcing an April 8 Civil Resistance Action at the Pentagon: We will come together in solidarity to act in resistance against the activities of the U.S. military and form autonomous affinity groups that will be acting in nonviolent civil resistance at the Pentagon on April 8.  We will encourage groups to descend on the Pentagon…

Be an Organizing Intern at the WRL National Office!

War Resisters League is looking for a New York City-based part-time intern for a twelve-week period, June 13 – August 31. The intern will work 20 hours a week on a number of organizing projects and administrative tasks, including the following: Working with local WRL chapters and affiliate groups all over the country, contacting them…

Nonviolent Civil Resistance on March 19th at the White House

Nonviolent Civil Resistance on March 19th at the White House

Led by Veterans for Peace on March 19th – the anniversary of the brutal invasion of Iraq, where over a million Iraqis and almost 5,000 US soldiers were killed with thousands more grievously injured – as the occupation of Iraq and the wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan continue unabated, Veterans for Peace is calling for…

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