
Bill Sutherland, 1918-2010

Bill Sutherland, 1918-2010

Bill Sutherland, unofficial ambassador between the peoples of Africa and the Americas for over fifty years, died peacefully on the evening of January 2, 2010. He was 91. A life-long pacifist and liberation advocate, Sutherland became involved in civil rights and anti-war activities as a youthful member of the Student Christian Movement in the 1930s….

CALL TO ACTION: Join Witness Against Torture January 11-22, 2010 in a Fast and Vigil to Shut Down Guantanamo, End Torture and Build Justice

CALL TO ACTION: Join Witness Against Torture January 11-22, 2010 in a Fast and Vigil to Shut Down Guantanamo, End Torture and Build Justice “I believe strongly that torture is not moral, legal or effective.” Guantanamo is “a damaging symbol to the world… a rallying cry for terrorist recruitment and harmful to our national security,…

Karl Bissinger, 1914-2008

Karl Bissinger, 1914-2008

Beloved longtime WRL staff member Karl Bissinger succumbed to a stroke on November 19. Karl was an energetic and creative fund raiser, an enthusiastic civil disobedient, a generous host to countless meetings, and – most important – a loyal and supportive friend to hundreds of Greenwich Village artists and activists and a devoted, loving partner…

Dennis Brutus Memorial

Dennis Brutus Memorial

 Please join us for a Memorial for Dennis Brutus (1924-2009) South African poet, anti-apartheid fighter, and human-rights activist Sunday January 17, 2010 2 pm . . . . . Download the flyer here. Statement from the Brutus Family on the passing of Professor Dennis Brutus Professor Dennis Brutus died quietly in his sleep on the…

A letter to President Obama from the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance

September 15, 2009 President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear President Obama: We are writing on behalf of the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance to seek a meeting to discuss the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan. We are greatly concerned that the people of Afghanistan, like…

Thursday, September 17 – October Actions Organizing Call

Thursday, September 17 – October Actions Organizing Call

September 3, 2009 Dear Friends, We will be having an organizing call around the October 5th Actions next Thursday, September 17th at 12:00 (noon) EST. The call-in number is 518-825-1300, code 116563. We invite all those of you who are interested in coming to DC or who would like to plan something in your hometown…

Anti-Torture Activists to Fast and Rally Sunday to Call on Obama to Close Guantanamo

Anti-Torture Activists to Fast and Rally Sunday to Call on Obama to Close Guantanamo

PRESS ADVISORY Witness Against Torture FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 8, 2009 CONTACT: Frida Berrigan, 347-683-4928, frida.berrigan [at] Gary Ashbeck, 410-913-2342, cruz69j [at] ANTI-TORTURE ACTIVISTS TO FAST AND RALLY SUNDAY TO CALL ON OBAMA TO CLOSE GUANTANAMO AND BAN TORTURE IMMEDIATELY WASHINGTON — On Sunday, January 11 — the seven-year anniversary of the…

Memorial for long-time WRL staff member Karl Bissinger

Karl Bissinger, 1914-2008 A memorial for long-time War Resisters League staff member Karl Bissinger will be held on Thursday, January 29, 6 pm in the Community Room at Westbeth (155 Bank Street) in the west Village.   Westbeth, with entrances mid-block at 55 Bethune Street or through courtyard at Bank Street, is on a block…

Volunteering at WRL

December 2008 LITERATURE AND ORGANIZING RESOURCES Volunteers Needed The War Resisters League designs, produces and distributes thousands of pieces of literature and organizing resources each year, including books, brochures, organizing guides, buttons, t-shirts and a range of current and classic anti-war posters.  We need volunteers to help us fulfill the dozens of orders we receive…

43rd Annual Peace Award Performers

43rd Annual Peace Award Performers

Steve Earle from “The city hasn’t changed as much as real estate agents would have you believe,” Steve Earle explains about his adopted hometown of New York City. “Specifically, my neighborhood hasn’t changed that much. I point people in the right direction so that they can take their picture like the cover of Freewheelin’…

Million Doors for Peace

Million Doors for Peace

Join United for Peace and Justice coalition, of which WRL is a member group, in a Million Doors for Peace on Saturday, September 20. 1 million doors. 1 million conversations. 1 million voters. Be one of the 25,000 peace activists to knock on a Million Doors for Peace on Saturday, September 20. United For Peace…

War Resisters Block IRS Headquarters, 32 arrested

March 19, 2008 — Thirty-two people were arrested this morning as they staged a nonviolent blockade at the national headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service in Washington, DC. The protestors had placed yellow police tape saying “WAR CRIME SCENE” across four entrances to the building, including the main entrance on Constitution Ave. and additional entrances…

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