
WRL Hiring new WIN Editor/Publisher

JOB OPENING: Editor/Publisher of WIN Magazine The War Resisters League is seeking a seeking a self-motivated, professional, and skilled half-time Editor/Publisher to produce and manage (in consultation with Publications Committee) all phases of our quarterly publication, WIN Magazine. As one of the leading radical voices in the antiwar movement, we challenge military recruitment and war…

WRL Report on the Antiwar Movement Coming in Late May

WRL Report on the Antiwar Movement Coming in Late May

Special Issue of WIN magazine will feature interviews from a cross section of grassroots organizers from across the country. Ordering information coming. For a preview, check out this adapted article from the NY Indypendent: What Is To be Done? Assessing The Antiwar Movement By Matthew Smucker Remember February 15, 2003? That day saw the largest…

Remembering Ralph

by David McReynolds 02/05/08 (from EdgeLeft: An occasional column which can be freely used, sent on, etc.) This afternoon, February 1st, I got a call from Ruth Benn that Ralph DiGia, 93, had died at St. Vincent’s here in New York City. I had visited him this past Saturday and sensed he was losing his…

Ralph DiGia: 1914-2008

Ralph DiGia: 1914-2008

Ralph DiGia, lifelong war resister and pacifist died February 1 in New York City. Ralph had a bad fall a couple of weeks ago, broke his hip, and has had a series of serious health problems following his admission to St. Vincent’s Hospital. Ralph, 93, has been the heart and soul of War Resisters League…

Operation No Recruits: Daily Reports

Operation No Recruits: Daily Reports

Operation No Recruits DAILY REPORTS FROM THE TIMES SQUARE RECRUITING STATION September 8, 10, 11 – 15, 2007 Saturday, Sept. 8, 2007 — NYC WRL / Washington Heights Counter-Recruiters / Rude Mechanical Orchestra At 8:30 am the NYC War Resisters League began blocking the front door of the yet-to-be-opened recruiting center. Shortly after, two counter-demonstrators…

War Profiteers

War Profiteers

Individuals, companies and corporations have always taken advantage of warfare to make enormous economic profit. For centuries, ordinary people, who suffer most from war, have resisted these war profiteers. One of the major factors in Harry S. Truman’s rise to the U.S. presidency was his relentless (“Give ’em Hell, Harry!”) pursuit of war profiteers. But…

What We Ask of Members

What we ask of our members: • Signing on to the Statement • Financial support if possible. $26 per year (or more) will allow us to maintain our totally independent and autonomous funding structure. In fact, the majority of our annual budget comes from member and supporter donations like this, not grants or huge donations.

Looting By Any Other Name

September 15, 2005 Looting By Any Other Name: The Profit-Driven War By Brian J. Foley [Text of speech given at the conference, “The Failure of Global Empire…] More than two years later, many people still ask, “Why did the US invade Iraq?” Some people answer, “For oil.” Others say, “To remove a dangerous dictator,” or,…

From Soldier to Objector: Jose Vasquez

Nonviolent Activist, March-April 2006 INTERVIEWS: VETS AGAINST THE WAR From Soldier to Objector: Jose Vasquez Interviewed by Francesca Fiorentini and Steve Theberge Born in the Bronx, Jose Vasquez grew up in San Bernadino, Calif. In 1991, a junior in high school, he enlisted in the Army’s Delayed Entry Program. During his four-and-a-half-year tour of duty,…

Blacks, Military Recruitment & Antiwar Movement: Not Showing Up

Nonviolent Activist, March-April 2006 Blacks, Military Recruitment & Antiwar Movement: Not Showing Up By Kenyon Farrow When I was the Southern Region Coordinator for Critical Resistance I once spoke at an event in New Orleans entitled “What Now: War, Occupation, and the Peace Movement.” I was asked specifically to address why more people most adversely…

Recruiting Latinos: Selling the American Nightmare

Nonviolent Activist, March-April 2006 Recruiting Latinos: Selling the American Nightmare By Oskar Castro Facing a drop in African American recruitment numbers, yet still hoping to entice poor people of color, military recruiters are currently working overtime to swell the ranks with young Latinos and Latinas. Latinos are 14 percent of the U.S. population aged 18…

The Mercenary Challenge to Anti-militarism: Privatizing (In)Security

Nonviolent Activist, January-February 2006 The Mercenary Challenge to Anti-militarism: Privatizing (In)Security By Celine Joiris Mercenaries are nothing new; people outside of national armies have been fighting and dying for pay since the days of ancient Rome. Now in the midst of another empire’s reign, “private security companies”—as they are benignly called—have been on the rise…

Activist Reviews

Nonviolent Activist, January-February 2006 ACTIVIST REVIEWS Busting Myths By G. Simon Harak War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death By Norman Solomon 2005, John Wiley & Sons; 314 pages; $24.95, hardcover In his latest work, Norman Solomon continues his mission of myth-busting. He shows how mainstream media accede to, or…


Nonviolent Activist, January – February 2006 WRL NEWS WRL Organizers Meet in NC Up until a couple of years ago, the structure of the WRL involved twice-yearly meetings of the elected National Committee plus representatives of each local. But the meetings were primarily concerned with business and the structure didn’t meet the locals’ needs to…

Activist News: NVA Jan-Feb 2006

Nonviolent Activist, January – February 2006 ACTIVIST NEWS UFPJ Rejects Future Work With A.N.S.W.E.R. On December 12, the antiwar coalition United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) issued a statement entitled “Ending the War in Iraq, Building a Broad Movement for Peace and Justice, and Our Experience with ANSWER,” in which they announced the steering committee’s…

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