
Witness Against Torture Marches to Guantánamo

Witness Against Torture Marches to Guantánamo

Nonviolent Activist, January – February 2006 Carrying outrage, compassion, and tourist visas, 25 U.S. activists began an 80-mile-march from Santiago, Cuba, on December 5, in the hopes reaching the U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay and visiting prisoners detained there under horrific conditions. The activists, drawn largely from Catholic Worker communities across the United States,…

Activist Reviews

Nonviolent Activist, January-February 2006 ACTIVIST REVIEWS Busting Myths By G. Simon Harak War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death By Norman Solomon 2005, John Wiley & Sons; 314 pages; $24.95, hardcover In his latest work, Norman Solomon continues his mission of myth-busting. He shows how mainstream media accede to, or…


Nonviolent Activist, January – February 2006 WRL NEWS WRL Organizers Meet in NC Up until a couple of years ago, the structure of the WRL involved twice-yearly meetings of the elected National Committee plus representatives of each local. But the meetings were primarily concerned with business and the structure didn’t meet the locals’ needs to…

Activist News: NVA Jan-Feb 2006

Nonviolent Activist, January – February 2006 ACTIVIST NEWS UFPJ Rejects Future Work With A.N.S.W.E.R. On December 12, the antiwar coalition United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) issued a statement entitled “Ending the War in Iraq, Building a Broad Movement for Peace and Justice, and Our Experience with ANSWER,” in which they announced the steering committee’s…

NVA Letters

Nonviolent Activist, January – February 2006 NVA LETTERS Déjà Vu I am deeply troubled by the article written by Bill Weinberg in your Nov-Dec 2005 issue: “The Question of International A.N.S.W.E.R.” As a 72-year-old who remembers the intra-left squabbles of the many “Socialist/Socialist Workers/SPF”groups of the 1950s and how those futile conflicts served mainly to…

Merchant of Death of the Month: Science Applications International

Nonviolent Activist, January – February 2006 Merchant of Death of the Month: Science Applications International By Frida Berrigan WANTED: SAI, Inc. Aliases/Subsidiaries Bechtel SAIC Corporation LLC, a joint venture with Bechtel to “meet the unique challenge of science and engineering for the Yucca Mountain Project;” ANXeBusiness Corp., a computer corporation; Data Systems & Solutions, a…

Nonviolent Civil Disobedience at the 2004 RNC – Report and Aftermath

Nonviolent Civil Disobedience at the 2004 RNC – Report and Aftermath

  Next Meeting of the WRL organizing group. Thursday, December 2 , 7 pm, 339 Lafayette St. (Bleecker St.) in Manhattan. We’ll evaluate the Nov. 3 demonstration and discuss plans for future events. Nov. 3rd Day-After-Election-Day Anti-war Demonstraton. Information about the planning for the “no matter who’s elected we need to demonstrate against the war”…

A Call for Mass Nonviolent Civil Disobedience at the Republican National Convention

A Call for Mass Nonviolent Civil Disobedience at the Republican National Convention

A Call for Mass Nonviolent Civil Disobedience at the Republican National Convention Tuesday August 31, 2004 Our aim is to confront the administration with the death and suffering for which they are responsible: more than 10,000 Iraqis and Afghanis, as many as 1,000 Americans killed, thousands more wounded and scarred for life, as well as…

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