WIN Fall 2012: The Value of Land


Volume: 29
Issue Number: 3

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SKU: winfall2012 Category:

Our fall issue of WIN, The Value of Land, serves as a reminder of the different ways we understand our relationship to and appreciation for land. For corporations, the land only represents potential profit, a physical obstacle to resources that can be exploited. For us, land is a source of food, the site of our homes, and where we come together to gather and play.

The issue includes articles on Andean campesino resistance against multinational mining corporations, on the strategic relationship formed between communities organizing in Chicago and Appalachia, an acount of the unlikely alliance formed between Texas landowners and climate justice activists struggling together against the Keystone Xl Pipeline, and an article on resistance to the destruction of Palestinian olive groves.

The issue also features Michael Fiorentino’s thoughtful review of the War Resisters League’s new book, We Have Not Been Moved: Resisting Racism and Militarism in the 21st Century, which makes an urgent plea for why this book is a necessary and timely contribution for reinvigorating the anti-war movement.

Limited number available.

Weight 3 oz
Dimensions 10.5 × 8.25 × 0.03 in

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