The Day the World Says “No”

Today, May 15th, is a global holiday: Conscientious Objection Day. Part of building a culture of peace is marking new traditions. This holiday – created in England in 1985 – gives us a valuable chance to thank war resisters for their service: service to a future demilitarized world.

Conscientious objectors have risked death, prison, humiliation, and raised powerful voices that have moved others against war. Today is an opportunity to remember conscientious objectors of the past, honor those among us, and encourage still others to join the ranks of these heroes. Right now events are taking place around the world from South Korea to Colombia, find one that’s happening near you.  

Awareness of the value of conscientious objection is growing, and we can keep pushing that awareness further. As Tina Garnanez, a Navajo woman deployed to Iraq in 2004 recalls: “I was so angry. Not angry at the Iraqis, but angry at the reason I was there. [I said]: I’m done. I am not fighting for anyone’s oil agenda.”

Any current member of a military can become a conscientious objector — a right spelled out in many United Nations resolutions. But someone working for a military contractor can, and should, also object and, if possible, refuse as a matter of conscience to continue. In the words of Ferda Ulker of Turkey: “As much as militarism is determined to affect my life, I am determined to continue my struggle. I reject!”  

We all have a role to play in defending the rights of conscientious objectors. So join in the celebration! To follow the action on social media use #COday in English and #díaOC in Spanish.

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