Empire on Wall Street
On 10/14, WRL and the South Asia Solidarity Initiative organized an action at Occupy Wall Street about the costs of U.S. military intervention all over the world and those who profit from it.
Download the toolkit for a National Day of Action on November 17th, when we will be asking our members and supporters to RESIST Empire, REBUILD Our World, and RECREATE Solidarity.
Distribute the flyer, which names some of the war profiteers behind the economic austerity that the U.S. faces today, including the U.S. Congress and Chase Bank.
Check out the photos from Friday’s action along with some of the press coverage that we’ve received below:
- ABC News segment: http://abcnews.go.com/US/video/protest-wall-street-greed-business-jobs-time-square-14745477
- Guardian gallery: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2011/oct/15/occupy-wall-street-movement-global
- Yahoo News gallery: http://news.yahoo.com/photos/-rage-against-wall-street-power-clogs-sidewalks-1316463530-slideshow/occupy-wall-street-protester-holds-placard-zuccotti-park-photo-040333590.html
#Occupy together? Write to us and tell us what you’re doing in your local community! Email us at wrl [at] warresisters.org.
Here’s WRL National Committee member Isabell Moore’s call to join her local #Occupy movement action in Greensboro, NC.
Also, if you are planning a nonviolent action as a part your town’s Occupy convergence, you can download a nonviolent action training agenda here.