Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns

Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns

Second Edition

The 2nd edition of the War Resisters’ International’s  Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns is a 232 page toolbox of ideas and resources to support activists to run more effective campaigns. It includes: Introduction to Nonviolence, Developing Strategic Campaigns, Organizing Effective Actions, Case Studies, Training and Exercises, plus a glossary and resource list. Published in 2014, 50 pages were added and some of the pieces revised since the 2009 edition.

You can find a PDF available online here

About This Handbook and How to Use it

Table of Contents

Introduction to Nonviolence

Developing Strategic Campaigns

Organising Effective Actions

Case Studies: Stories and Experiences

Training and Exercises

Doing Your Own Handbookgeneral tips

Glossary – list of terms from War Resisters’ International

Resources list from War Resisters’ International

WRL Resources – Nonviolent Action + Campaigns