ICBM Minuteman III launch still set for November 14

The next ICBM Minuteman III launch is still set for November 14, 2012

UFPJ disarmament working group and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom are calling a protest at 11:55pm (five minutes to midnight) on November 13.

WRL  endorses the demonstrations against these offensive tests and the continued subjugation of the people formerly of Kwajalein Atoll, the receiving end of the missile tests, who now live on Ebeye Island, one of the most densely populated places on earth.

People who plan to attend MUST be responsible to check if the launch is cancelled.  (That would be a victory.)

See http://www.spacearchive.info/vafbsked.htm for updates

For information about demonstrating  and reasons to oppose testing of delivery systems as well as actual bomb tests and development, see http://vandenbergprotest-macgregor.blogspot.com/

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