NATO/G8-free Video Call for Submissions!

Calling all social justice videographers! The Network for a NATO-free Future (see member organizations below) is helping put together a counter-summit to the G8 and NATO summits happening this May in Chicago. To help give a U.S.-based community organizers and local activists an idea about what NATO is, its role in the world, and its connection to the global economy (as repped by the G8) to help mobilize people to come to Chicago, we are asking for a brief and exciting video made by you. We are hoping that this video can be part of a toolkit that community organizations across the U.S. can use with their membership to get them involved and inspired!

Much like the amazing series of videos made for the yearly Israeli Apartheid Week (see 2012’s here), we imagine a video that is 2-3 minutes and creatively teaches something about the history and current work of NATO and the G8. Submissions in more than one language are encouraged! Your submission will help support economic and global justice organizing against the heads of state responsible for conditions affecting marginalized communities in and outside of the U.S. and we’ll be distributing small prizes to those who submit a video. Some videos will be shown at the NATO-free Future-organized counter-summit on May 18 & 19 and video submissions will be posted to the websites of partner organizations and spread widely. 

We have provided a very brief “history of NATO” by War Resisters League International below, as well as some links about the G8 and NATO’s recent aggression.

Please submit the video by April 2, 2012–we’re looking forward to seeing your work!

To submit, upload your video to YouTube and tag it as “natog8freefuture.” From there, we’ll post it to our YouTube channel.

Organizations who have signed on so far include:

Abolition 2000, American Friends Service Committee Peace and Economic Security Program and Chicago Peacebuilding Program, Chicago Jobs with Justice, Chicago Labor Against the War, Chicago Move the Money Campaign, Code Pink, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Greater New Haven Peace Council, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Peace Action (national, Chicago and Massachusetts) United for Peace and Justice, US Labor Against the War, US Peace Council, War Resisters League. Chicago New New Deal, United for Justice and Peace US Labor Against the War, War Resisters League, Western States Legal Foundation, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom<

NATO-G8 Overview

A brief summary of NATO:

A Brief Summary of the G8:

Articles on NATO by counter-summit speaker Vijay Prashad:

Syria and NATO:

Kabul, Afghanistan:


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