New Workshop! “Buy 10 Guns, Get 2 Tanks Free”

Want to stop police militarization in your community? We can’t build a movement without building consciousness. Our new participatory workshop Buy 10 Guns, Get 2 Tanks Free: A Workshop on Resisting Police Militarization is one such building tool. The workshop, co-created with the Ya-Ya Network, highlights the successful cross-community organizing initiated by Oakland, CA’s Stop Urban Shield Coalition.


Over the course of the two hour workshop participants will:

1. Learn about the root causes of police militarization & the intersection of war industry and police violence.

2. Understand how a range of communities are impacted by police militarization & how this system is maintained by a weapons industry & war profiteering.

3. Learn about how a cross-community coalition resisted police militarization & how to plug into organizing against police militarization.

For more information on please contact tara [at]


  • Militarism
  • |
  • Police

Resource Type:

  • Workshop/Training Resources