Resist Militarism: Lessons from Mexico & Cross Border Solidarity
Stopping the Merchants of Death A Strategic Conference for Grassroots Activists Sept. 29 – Oct. 2, 2006 University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN According to all attendees, the SMoD National Conference was a success! To download a MS Publisher version of the official program, please click on the image (right) Click here to…
ACTION ALERT: CALL STONEGATE NOW To #StopITOA Charles Baptist, General Manager of the Stonegate Conference & Banquet Centre Ask to speak with Charles Baptist or leave him a voice mail. Sample script: “My name is [name] from [city] and I am appalled that the 2016 “Illinois Tactical Officers Association” will be taking place…
WAR IS NOT A GAME Playing with war toys and violent videos numbs people to the terrible truth: War means death and suffering, not fun and games. Playing violent video games has been directly linked to increased aggressive behavior. A Harvard School of Public Health study found significant amounts of violence even in video games…
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 Dear friends, Today we write to you with serious news. Mumia Abu-Jamal is experiencing a severe decline in health and we must act now to secure his release from prison. While Mumia Abu-Jamal— the 66 year old award winning journalist, former Black Panther, and US political prisoner— has been ill for…
Sunday May 31st, 2020 We’re heartbroken and outraged and like so many of you, refuse to allow the systematic killing of Black people in the United States to continue without a fight for justice. There is a lot to be outraged about: from how the politics of COVID-19 pandemic put the lives of Black and…
Linda Marie Thurston, who spent a lifetime forging connections between and among people, organizations, and ideas in peace and justice movements, passed away in her Brooklyn, NY home due to natural causes. She was 62 years young. Linda was born in Providence, Rhode Island, on August 7, 1958, the oldest child of James Thurston Sr….
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