Resist Militarism: Lessons from Mexico & Cross Border Solidarity
SHUT DOWN THE IRS / SHUT DOWN THE WAR On March 19, 2008, we will set up a nonviolent blockade of the national Internal Revenue Service headquarters in Washington, DC, as part of the day of actions against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just as military recruiters supply the bodies for the war, the…
A Call to Action on Puerto Rico, International Campaign for Human Rights in the Philippines, and War Resisters League present a teach-in on the impacts of climate change and militarism. RSVP: On Facebook or Email us at wrl [at] WRL ORGANIZING TEAM STATEMENT ON MILITARISM & CLIMATE CHANGE As an organization that strives to target…
UPDATED DEADLINE: OCTOBER 14. Do you have what it takes to help lead the War Resisters League? Do you have the skills and vision to help chart WRL’s course in promoting revolutionary nonviolent change? Do you know someone who does? Nominations are open for the at-large seats on the National Committee (NC). This is WRL’s…
Friends, I’m Citlali Perez, I am a rising sophomore at DePaul University and have worked with the Brighton Park Neighborhood Council as a youth leader. In the spring of 2019, I was part of WRL’s three-day Demilitarization School in Chicago, where I learned a lot about what militarization looks like around the world that I hadn’t…
On Friday, September 5th, hundreds of of protesters gathered in front of the Marriott in Downtown Oakland, CA, to stand against Urban Shield and declare two major victories: Urban Shield will no longer be held at the Marriott and it will no longer take place anywhere in Oakland. Reclaiming the streets in celebration of our power,…
We are absolutely thrilled to announce this special opportunity made possible by an anonymous donor and longtime friend of the War Resisters League in Texas. To support WRL in reaching our fundraising goals this year, until the end of December, every one-time or sustainer donation you make online will be generously DOUBLED up to $20,000…