Resist Militarism: Lessons from Mexico & Cross Border Solidarity
From The Gaza Freedom March Steering Committee: UPDATE December 21, 2009 We are determined to break the siege We all will continue to do whatever we can to make it happen Using the pretext of escalating tensions on the Gaza-Egypt border, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry informed us yesterday that the Rafah border will be closed…
As long as there has been war, there’s been those who are willing to fight and those who actively refuse to take part. Today, on International Conscientious Objector Day, we uplift all who refuse military enlistment morally, politically, spiritually, or otherwise. Throughout history conscientious objectors (COs) have been persecuted around the world for their actions, from petty fees to imprisonment, exile…
On October 7th, War Resisters League joined with a number of our partner organizations in the anti-war movement to host War Voices,* a dialogue on these past ten years of U.S.-led war and occupation and their connections to the militarization of life here in the U.S. and globally. The evening’s discussions among community leaders and…
Want to hone or share your organizing skills? Want to work with one of the oldest and most exciting national anti-militarist organizations? We are currently taking applications for our Winter 2013 Bilezikian Internship Program, which runs for 13 weeks starting January 14 (dates are flexible). Application deadline: Friday, December 17. Our intern will work 20…
Steve Earle from “The city hasn’t changed as much as real estate agents would have you believe,” Steve Earle explains about his adopted hometown of New York City. “Specifically, my neighborhood hasn’t changed that much. I point people in the right direction so that they can take their picture like the cover of Freewheelin’…
On 10/14, WRL and the South Asia Solidarity Initiative organized an action at Occupy Wall Street about the costs of U.S. military intervention all over the world and those who profit from it. Download the toolkit for a National Day of Action on November 17th, when we will be asking our members and supporters to…