Resist Militarism: Lessons from Mexico & Cross Border Solidarity
“No violence, just justice.” – Lesley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown. August 13, 2014 War Resisters League condemns the ongoing militarized lockdown and attack against the community of Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri. We are saddened and outraged over the murder of 18-year-old Michael Brown by Ferguson Police, this past Saturday, August 9th….
We are absolutely thrilled to announce this special opportunity made possible by an anonymous donor and longtime friend of the War Resisters League in Texas. To support WRL in reaching our fundraising goals this year, until the end of December, every one-time or sustainer donation you make online will be generously DOUBLED up to $20,000…
Long-time Minnesota peace activist Marv Davidov died on January 14 at age 80. WRL New England Staffer Joanne Sheehan wrote about Marv on the War Resisters International website: “I don’t remember when I first met Marv Davidov, sometime in the ’70. I first heard of him when I learned about the Honeywell Project, which he…
WRL is saddened by the death of long time WRL organizer and former NC member Bob Meola on November 17, 2021. In the 1980’s Bob was a co-founder of the Southern California War Resisters’ League. After he moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, Bob became active with WRL West. He faithfully organized the May…
December 1, 2020 Today is Giving Tuesday which means we’re here to ask you to #GiveToResistWar! We have a goal of raising $5,000 by the end of today to support WRL’s antimilitarist work. Thanks to a generous donor, when you give today every dollar you give will be matched! Will you make a gift right now to…
CALL TO ACTION: Join Witness Against Torture January 11-22, 2010 in a Fast and Vigil to Shut Down Guantanamo, End Torture and Build Justice “I believe strongly that torture is not moral, legal or effective.” Guantanamo is “a damaging symbol to the world… a rallying cry for terrorist recruitment and harmful to our national security,…