Resist Police Militarization!

War Resisters League works to strengthen the antiwar movement by connecting voices of resistance confronting the root causes of violence across the globe. Since 2011, we have seede seven coalitional efforts to build cross-community resistance across the country against police militarization, from teargas, to SWAT trainings, to the militarized mentalities of aggressive beat-cops to resist the aspects of militarism that affect people in mundane everyday ways. Check out our cross-community campaigns from the Bay Area, CA, Chicago, IL to Upstate NY!


Stop ITOA in Chicago, IL




Stop Urban Shield in the Bay Area, CA




Stop NYTOAC across New York State




Stop NTOA in Louisville, KY





SToMP in Boston, MA




CUT UASI! across the U.S.






Dismantle Bratton’s Army in New York, NY





Need support resisting SWAT trainings in your town/city?

Hit up wrl [at]!



Read past & current noSWATzone statements!