WRL produces a variety of tools and resources to support grassroots organizing against war and militarism. Many resources are available on our online store, and others are available here for review and download. For updates on our No SWAT Zone campaign, Nonviolent Direct Action trainings and more, check out our organizing areas. Resources on tear gas stories & companies can be found on Facing Tear Gas. We encourage you to use our materials to build and expand your organizing. We’ve also listed resources we’ve found useful and important, available from other sources.
- Statements and Commentaries
The Time to Stand with Gaza is Now
On July 8th, Israel unleashed a brutal and sustained military offensive on the people of Gaza, who have already been confined to an open-air prison by the decade-old Israeli blockade and sealing of Gaza’s borders. Bombardment from air, land and sea is killing hundreds, displacing tens of thousands more and targeting hospitals as well as…
- Gaza
- Statements and Commentaries
Solidarity with Occupied Ferguson
“No violence, just justice.” – Lesley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown. War Resisters League condemns the ongoing militarized lockdown and attack against the community of Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri. We are saddened and outraged over the murder of 18-year-old Michael Brown by Ferguson Police, this past Saturday, August 9th. We stand in…
- Militarism
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- Police
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- Racism
- Statements and Commentaries
On U.S. Escalation Against Iraq and Syria
Military Intervention is Not the Solution! In recent months IS has spread a wave of oppression and violence that goes well beyond the headline-catching executions and massacres to affecting millions of Iraqis and Syrians through fear, exploitation and gender-based violence. Now 12 years into the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, we witness how militarism…
- Iraq
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- War
- Workshop/Training Resources
Police Militarization: BINGO!
Welcome to Police Militarization Bingo! On one side you’ll find ideologies and politics that support systems of police militarization. On the other side you’ll find counter-points. The numbered box on one side connects to the corresponding box on the other! Download here. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) gave NYC $178 million in 2014 for militarity…
- Militarism
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- Police
- Statements and Commentaries
War Resisters International statement on the situation in Honduras
30 June 2009 Latin American antimilitarists reject the coup in Honduras and demand disarmament and reduced military spending We – antimilitarists from different Latin American countries, with the support of the worldwide network War Resisters’ International (WRI-IRG) – reject and condemn the coup d’état carried out by the Honduran armed. We oppose the use of…
- Militarism
- Workshop/Training Resources
New Workshop! “Buy 10 Guns, Get 2 Tanks Free”
Want to stop police militarization in your community? We can’t build a movement without building consciousness. Our new participatory workshop Buy 10 Guns, Get 2 Tanks Free: A Workshop on Resisting Police Militarization is one such building tool. The workshop, co-created with the Ya-Ya Network, highlights the successful cross-community organizing initiated by Oakland, CA’s Stop…
- Militarism
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- Police
- Pie Chart Flyers
Pie Chart Flyers – Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes
FY 2025 pie charts are OUT OF STOCK due to high demand. We will be producing a FY 2026 flyer by April, 2025. If you need copies before that, you can also download the flyers and print them locally: Fiscal Year 2025 (Released March 2024) Pie Chart Flyerin English, in color (pdf), in English, in…
- Economy
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- Nonviolence
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- War Taxes
- Statements and Commentaries
Noncooperation for Liberation
From Ferguson and Oakland to New York City and beyond, WRL stands with all political prisoners from this wave of resistance and all those currently targeted by political repression. We are inspired by, in support of, and active in the growing anti-racist and Black liberation movement against the violence of policing. The police and media…
- Militarism
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- Police
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- Racism
- Workshop/Training Resources
Reagan, Raids & Robocops
Check out our organizing and training resource, the infographic Reagan, Raids & Robocops: How our communiites became militarized zones designed by designed by Download it here. For more information on this and other infographics, contact Tara at warresisters[dot]org.
- Militarism
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- Police
- Statements and Commentaries
When Black Life Matters: One Month, One Year
For The Long Struggle Ahead… One month since Charleston massacre; One year since Eric Garner’s murder “An old world is dying, and a new one, kicking in the belly of its mother, time, announces that it is ready to be born. This birth will not be easy, and many of us are doomed to…
- Police
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- Racism
- WRL History
WRL Hiroshima-Nagasaki Exhibit
This slideshow contains images from an exhibit originally produced in 1995 by the Enola Gay Action Coalition and sponsored by War Resisters League. The exhibit was updated in 2024 by the New York City local of the War Resisters League. Coordinators: Tom Keough and Michael Sprong Editorial Committee (1995): Norma Becker, Ruth Benn, Jerry Coffin,…
- Hiroshima
- Workshop/Training Resources
What is Urban Shield?! Infosheet
Urban Shield is on September 11th to 14th: Let’s kick Urban Shield out of Pleasanton, CA! Need popular education material to break down what Urban Shield is? Print out this flyer & pass around to your community! [Link to download Infosheet below: Spanish & English available]
- 9/11
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- Economy
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- Militarism
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- Police
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- Racism
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- Tear Gas
- Workshop/Training Resources
Against All Odds: Organizing & Study Guide
Download the Against All Odds: Organizing & Study Guide here. War Resisters League is excited to announce a popular education resource for connecting with Iraqi organizing across borders for activists, organizers and students around the world! We hope this guide supports you in better understanding Against All Odds: Voices of Popular Struggle in Iraq, as…
- Economy
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- Gender
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- Iraq
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- Militarism
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- Nonviolence
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- War
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- Women
- Workshop/Training Resources
Police Militarization Chart
Need a worksheet breaking down what makes up police militarization? Check our resource out here! If you need a police militarization workshop, check this one out!
- 9/11
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- Economy
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- Gender
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- Militarism
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- Police
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- Racism
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- Tear Gas
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- War
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- War Taxes
- Workshop/Training Resources
Stop Urban Shield Rally!
Urban Shield is the largest SWAT training & war-weapons expo in the world. We will gather on September 11th, across communities, to end it & resist police militarization around the world! Join the Stop Urban Shield Coalition on Sept 11th to say NO to policing, militarization & state violence! WHEN// 4PM on September 11th 2015…
- 9/11
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- Economy
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- Militarism
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- Police
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- Racism
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- Tear Gas
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- War
- Statements and Commentaries
No violence. No exceptions. No exceptionalism.
As the days that unfold before us mimic a time over a decade ago when the devastating War on Terror began with US occupation of Afghanistan, we mourn because it is makes us human. For those in Raqqa. For those in Tunis. For those in Yola and Kano, in Ankara, in Beirut, in Baghdad, in…
- 9/11
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- Economy
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- Iraq
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- Militarism
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- Nonviolence
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- Police
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- Racism
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- War
- Statements and Commentaries
Left on Purpose: A Movie on Life & Death, Movements and Mayer
Somber tonight, coming home from the truly unusual and important new film Left on Purpose, directed by Justin Schein, which premiered at NYC DOC – the world’s largest festival of documentary cinema. The movie chronicles the life of an acquaintance, Mayer Vishner, whose behind-the-scenes work in the US peace movement was essential to groups such…
- Militarism
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- Nonviolence
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- Nonviolent Activist
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- War
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- WRL History
- Workshop/Training Resources
Matrix Exercise: Handout
Need help matching specific tacticswith your objectives to meet your campaign goals? Check out this worksheet, giving a quick & dirty on how to do that when a group hasn’t fully decided action plans!
- Direct Action
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- Nonviolence
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- Nonviolent Activist
- Workshop/Training Resources
NVDA Training Agenda
Nonviolence Training: Nonviolent Direct Action Preparation Agenda An annotated agenda for trainers to prepare people who are considering engaging in nonviolent direct action and for people who want to participate in nonviolent actions but not risk arrest. Includes links to handouts and resources. The agenda includes: Exploring what is meant by nonviolent direct action (NVDA)…
- Direct Action
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- Gender
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- Militarism
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- Nonviolence
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- Nonviolent Activist
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- WRL History
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FTG Condemns Albuquerque Police Repression
WRL’s Facing Tear Gas campaign condemns in the strongest terms the Albuquerque Police Department’s heavily militarized response to protests against police brutality this past Sunday night, March 30th. We also share in the protestor’s shock over the APD’s March 16th shooting of James Boyd – the 23rd such killing by the APD since 2012 according…