Join us and Register for an Online Town Hall on 4/6: Racial Justice Has No Borders, Militarization in the time of Pandemic
Training across Generations Earlier this month over two dozen organizers from across the Northeast gathered at the Voluntown Peace Trust in Connecticut for the first in a series of planned “Training 4 Trainers” weekends. “WRL has a long history of providing resources in nonviolence training. This past weekend strengthened our commitment by offering this unique…
WRL is saddened by the death of long time WRL organizer and former NC member Bob Meola on November 17, 2021. In the 1980’s Bob was a co-founder of the Southern California War Resisters’ League. After he moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, Bob became active with WRL West. He faithfully organized the May…
Shouting Fire: Stories from the Edge of Free Speech premieres on HBO on Monday, June 29, 2009 at 9 pm (8 pm CST). The film centers on noted free speech attorney Martin Garbus (father of the film’s director Liz Garbus) and is illustrated by a half-dozen controversial stories of free speech abuse by the government….
Friday December 11th, 2020 Borders motivate both conflict and cooperation between states, and are a key factor in deciding the movement of people and goods around the world. Borders are often-times colonial constructs that divide Indigenous lands and peoples, such as Israeli borders over Palestinian land. Increasingly, borders have become a space of hyper-militarization and policing…
On October 7th, War Resisters League joined with a number of our partner organizations in the anti-war movement to host War Voices,* a dialogue on these past ten years of U.S.-led war and occupation and their connections to the militarization of life here in the U.S. and globally. The evening’s discussions among community leaders and…
On Friday, September 5th, hundreds of of protesters gathered in front of the Marriott in Downtown Oakland, CA, to stand against Urban Shield and declare two major victories: Urban Shield will no longer be held at the Marriott and it will no longer take place anywhere in Oakland. Reclaiming the streets in celebration of our power,…
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