Rustie Remembered

Rustie was our beloved Office Cat. He passed away in October 2018. We miss him enormously.

Rustie spent many years in our office at 339 Lafayette, basking in the sun, interrupting us if we were working too long, insisting that we take breaks to eat and play and rest.  He reminded us that as we work to end war and violence, we need to remember to live. Rustie appeared in our social media outreach, our spokespersons for cats against militarism and all forms of domination.  When we left our home of 40 years on Lafayette Street in 2016, Rustie moved to his well-earned retirement in Baltimore with longtime WRL National Committee member and good friend Ellen Barfield where one autumn day, he passed away in his sleep.

Rustie in retirement at Ellen Barfield’s, 2016

Rustie in Linda’s office, 2015. Every spare box in the office belonged to Rustie,

who curled up in whichever one was catching the most sunlight from the big windows at 399 Lafayette.

Rustie making sure we remember to take a break!

Rustie helping with the fundraising, 2014.

Rustie’s last day in the office, 2015.