Stopping the Merchants of Death


Stopping the Merchants of Death

A Strategic Conference for Grassroots Activists

Sept. 29 – Oct. 2, 2006

University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN

According to all attendees, the SMoD National Conference was a success! To download a MS Publisher version of the official program, please click on the image (right)

Click here to download the report of the conference.

Photos of some of our friends, friendly activity, and nonviolent action at the SMoD National Conference:

Utah Phillips, Marv Davidov, Medea Benjamin at SMoD Conference, 2006    

Winona LaDuke
Winona LaDuke

Utah Phillips
Utah Phillips

Joanne Sheehan, Carol Urner, Marv Davidov
Joanne Sheehan, Carol Urner, Marv Davidov

The Prince Myshkins
The Prince Myshkins

The Vets arrive
The Vets arrive

 Eric Stoner, Pat Stoner, Steve Thebarge, G. Simon Harak
Eric Stoner, Pat Stoner, Steve Thebarge, G. Simon Harak

Ellen Barfield after arrest
Ellen Barfield after arrest

Mimi LaValley addresses protesters at the rally before the arrests
Mimi LaValley addresses protesters at the rally before the arrests

Joanne Sheehan after arrest
Joanne Sheehan after arrest

G. Simon Harak after arrest
G. Simon Harak after arrest

Before the march to Alliant begins
Before the march to Alliant begins

The War Resisters' International contingent
The War Resisters’ International contingent


The Profits of ExterminationThe Profits of Extermination

Published to acclaim–and death threats against its author and bombings of his union’s offices in Colombia, The Profits of Extermination uncovers the role of multinational mining and energy companies in Colombia’s violence. Through legal maneuvers, corruption, and direct use of paramilitary violence, foreign companies have taken over Colombia’s resources, displacing and murdering those who have challenged them.

Merchants of Death:

Corporations that sell war, then profit from the bloodshed

It’s pretty clear that the invasion and occupation of Iraq was not about the weapons of mass destruction (where ARE they?). Or about restoring sovereignty to Iraq (what about the 14 permanent U.S. military bases newly built there?). Or about ending the vast illegal imprisonment and torture of Iraqis (no comment necessary).

But as they say in detective novels, “Follow the money.” Wouldn’t it be important to learn about the billions and billions of dollars that certain companies are making from U.S. invasions and occupations? And would it surprise you that these very same companies have been contributing massive amounts to candidates, have “friends in high places” in the government, and have been “advising” the Department of Defense for years?

Invite a speaker/organizer from the War Resisters League’s “Stop the Merchants of Death” Program to your campus, peace and justice group, or faith community. You’ll learn who these companies are, how much they give, how much more they make, and how they literally “call the shots” when it comes to selling war. And you can join in our nationwide planning for a constructive nonviolent program that exposes, confronts and stops the Merchants of Death.


Looting By Any Other Name: The Profit-Driven War, by Brian J. Foley, September 15, 2005


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