Death & Taxes


A important film about War Tax Resisters and their motivations. Produced by the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating CommitteeDeath & Taxes asks:

Why and how do people refuse to pay for war?
Where does the money go?
What are the consequences?
How does war tax resistance fit into one’s life?

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Twenty-eight people offer their motivations for and methods of resisting the war machine with their tax money.
“The greatest changes in history have only come when people are willing to put everything on the line.”
— Julia Butterfly Hill

Twenty-eight people offer their motivations for and methods of resisting the war machine with their tax money. This tightly-paced 28-minute film introduces viewers to war tax refusal and redirecting tax dollars to peace, with music by Sharon Jones and the Dap-KingsAntibalasRude Mechanical Orchestra, and First Strike Theatre’s version of “Don’t Pay Taxes” by Charlie King. Released in 2010 — timely until war ends!

Excellent for workshops and presentations with time for discussion.

30 minutes
Editing: Carlos Steward, Asheville, NC

View the video online.

Produced by the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, a coalition of groups from across the U.S. formed in 1982 to provide information and support to people involved in or considering some form of war tax resistance.

For more information, visit or call 800.269.7464.

Teachers:  See NWTRCC’s teaching kit “Thoreau & His Heirs

NWTRCC’s Tips for Screenings:  Excellent for workshops and presentations with time for discussion.

The DVD is also available for purchase from NWTRCC here.

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 0.125 in

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