Nonviolence 101
WRL’s updated brochure on nonviolence – what it is and how to use it – and deeper information on its impact, including:
- Basics of Nonviolence
- Strengthening Campaigns
- Why use Nonviolence?
- What is Nonviolence?
- WRL’s Nonviolent Struggle History
4441 in stock
What is nonviolence?
Revolutionary nonviolence is an active form of resistance to systems of privilege and domination. It’s not simply the absence of violence, and it’s certainly not passive. Nonviolence is a philosophy for liberation, an approach to movement building, a tactic of non-cooperation, and defense. It is a willingness to break unjust laws and take action. It’s a powerful practice we employ to resist and transform our world. People all over the world have effectively used nonviolence in their work for peace and justice.
For free workshop agendas on how to plan nonviolent campaigns and more, hit up our resources!
You can also download Nonviolence 101 here:
Nonviolence 101 (hi-res pdf)
” The major job was getting people
to understand that they had
something within their power that
they could use, and it could only be
used if they understood what was
happening and how group action
could counter violence…”
Ella Baker
Black Liberation Activist
Weight | 0.4 oz |
Dimensions | 8.5 × 3.7 × 0.025 in |
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