So You Wanna Be a Cop?


Building on decades of counter-military recruitment activism and resource-making, WRL presents this ground-breaking counter-police recruitment resource. Similar to military recruiter lies, police recruiters and branding use strategies to recruit young people, targeting youth of color and poor youth in the promotion of law enforcement careers.

Available in English and Spanish.

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SKU: soyouwannabeacop-both Category: Tags: , ,
Resource Type:
  • Workshop/Training Resources
  • Counter-Recruitment

Related Resource:

Hold Up! So You Wanna Be A Cop Workshop

So You Wanna Be A Cop questions recruiter lies, debunking them with the truths of policing and police careers, and encourages visions of young people pursuing careers and lives that build actual community safety, not carceral, racist and classist versions of safety.

Check out this brochure today!

So You Wanna Be A Cop includes:
-Police recruitment lies & some truths to counter them
-Statistics on police violence and crimes
-Questions for those considering joining the force to ask themselves
-Reference/Resource list for more information

You can also download So You Wanna Be a Cop? here:
So You Wanna Be a Cop?
¿Piensa usted que quisiera ser policía?

For free workshop curriculum and more, hit up our resources!
If you are a youth organizer, or work with young people being recruited by the police, hit us up about discounted resources!

Cover art by Molly Crabapple
Graphic Design by Raul X. Ramos
Research Contributors: Anna Feigenbaum + Daniel Weissmann

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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