Syracuse Cultural Workers 2017 Women Artists Datebook
Compact, beautiful, & environmentally respectful. Now in its 24th year!
- Flat opening, spiral-bound
- Uncoated stock for notations
- Lunar cycles, 13 native moons
- Weekly quotes by women
5″ x 7″ • Engagement Calendar
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We’re happy to offer the new engagement calendar from our friends at Syracuse Cultural Workers.
A unique daily resource for inspiration and renewal. Each week turn the page to discover new artwork, poetry and quotes – that’s 52 celebrations each year. Cover art by Raina Gentry. This year’s edition honors the work of environmental activist Deb Katz.
Product Catalog
Product Categories
90th Anniversary 95th Anniversary 100th Anniversary Anti-nuclear Civil Disobedience Conscientious Objectors Counter Recruitment Resources Gifts GI Rights Nonviolence Raffle Tickets This Year's Calendars War Profiteers War Tax Resistance Women