WIN Spring 2015 – The Final Issue


Volume: 32
Issue Number: 1

82 in stock

SKU: winspring2015 Category:

The final issue of WIN magazine. This is a document for the ages, a 52-page issue covering half a century of activism and communications — and how they intersected yesterday, today, and tomorrow — from the people who have been doing activist publishing during the past 50 years.

This issue has reviews of “favorite issues” of the original WIN, the Nonviolent Activist, and the second incarnation of WIN by those who wrote, edited and produced those magazines. It chronicles recent nonviolent efforts for change and shows how similar efforts were covered over the years. It has a vibrant roundtable among five former editors of the three magazines discussing how they worked and how we can communicate now. And if that weren’t enough, it has full-color graphics from all three magazine and a moving memoir about at inter-generational friendship that began with the first WIN.

You’re going to want to keep it­and share it, so buy extra copies!

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.04 in

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