WIN Summer 2014 – Whisteblower


Volume: 30
Issue Number: 4

99 in stock

SKU: winsummer2014 Category:

The new issue focuses on Whisteblowers – what they’ve exposed, and their relationship to democracy and social justice. Articles explore the tactic of whistleblowing on its own terms, from the ethics of exposure in Charles Shafaieh’s opening contribution to Sam Husseini’s look at the leak that nearly averted the 2003 Iraq invasion and Palina Prasasouk’s profile of Matt Diaz and his revelations about Guantanamo. David Wilson looks into the Mexican bribery scandal that shook Walmart, while Calvin Moen examines of our relationship with Chelsea Manning.

This issue of WIN is an exploration of whistleblowing that goes well beyond the content of particular revelations.

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 10.5 × 8.25 × 0.03 in