
#SWATstories = Power

SWAT trainings and expos have skyrocketed in recent years. Funded largely by grants from the Department of Homeland Security through massive police militarism programs like the Urban Areas Security Initiative, SWAT trainings perpetuate violence against our communities by equipping police forces with militarized minds and weapons. 

More than 100 SWAT raids happen each day in the United States, and with increased Islamophobia (“War on Terror”), racism (“War on Drugs”), xenophobia and American nationalism, working class and poor, Muslim, Black, brown and undocumented communities are at a heightened risk of police violence.

Want to learn more? Check out our comprehensive SWAT 101 page here.

Share your #SWATstories!

Media is power: so let’s tell it like it is!

SWAT silences some communities, while shielding other communities from its violent effects. A way out of this growing fear culture is speaking out about real experiences with SWAT violence. You can share your story with by:

  • Writing your story about your experience with SWAT. Try to include details. If you can include a photo (doesn’t have to be of you, as long as you have permission to use it) that will help get people sharing your story.
  • Videoing yourself telling a camera your tear gas story. Send us a link/video that’s 2-5 minutes long, and let us know if you need support in editing it.

    Sending us a photo of yourself holding up your story written on a sign (like people here did in the Facing Tear Gas campaign: http://facingteargas.tumblr.com).

To share your experience with SWAT, contact wrl [at] warresisters.org (subject: SWAT%20Stories)  or tweet @resistwar. Let’s end police militarism together!

Chicago #SWATstories:

Special thanks to Ethos of Circles and Cyphers and videographer Debbie Southorn of AFSC Chicago

Oakland #SWATstories:

Special thanks to Brian and Erikson of 67 Sueños and videographer Debbie Southorn of AFSC Chicago


California  #SWATstories:

Check out Stop Urban Shield‘s latest SWAT stories video showing testimony from survivors of SWAT raids + police militarization + a glimpse into the Urban Shield training with the kinds of exercises, technologies, and weaponry police forces participate in and utilize.

Thanks to Critical Resistance Los Angeles for video editing and friends from across LA for sharing their SWAT stories.



WRL’s SWAT 101 

ACLU’s “War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Police”

10 SWAT Facts Everyone Should Know

Interactive Botched Raid Map