GI Resistance

WRL Supports GI Resisters

WRL Supports GI Resisters

Active military considering their options can look to the War Resisters League and other organizations for examples of GI resistance as well as practical guides. WRL’s new Resources for GI Rights and Resistance (PDF download) includes stories of GI resisters, videos featuring WRL members, articles, book reviews, and a book published by War Resisters’ International. Check…

War Resisters League – Southwest Campaigns: Kirtland AFB, Sandia and Los Alamos Laboratories

Military Occupation of New Mexico (map) courtesy of Swarthmore College Peace Collection WRL Southwest formed as a chapter and then as a regional office in Albuquerque, New Mexico, during the Vietnam War. We wanted to be a voice for peace, pacifism and nonviolence in the area, which hosted the Kirtland Air Force Base and the…

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