Training Resources

For more info on techniques, exercises, history, check out:
- Protesting Outside of Supreme Court Justices’ Homes is Fine, Actually by Kelsey Jost-Creegan
- The roots of revolutionary nonviolence in the United States are in the Black community by Joanne Sheehan
- Swarthmore Non Violent Direct Action website
- Activist Editorial: The Parameters of Nonviolent Action and Parameters of Nonviolent Action: What Makes An Action Nonviolent? by WRL
- Still Relevant: What Makes an Action Nonviolent? by Joanne Sheehan
- Beautiful Trouble
Exercises, workshops and agendas that help us learn from the history of strategic nonviolent action, begin to practice nonviolent action and build strategic campaigns:
- 10/10 Strategies | To learn about the rich history of nonviolent campaigns, gain a better understanding of campaigns, tactics and movements [30 mins minimum]
- Letter from a Birmingham Jail | To explore different elements of a campaign strategy and help a group reflect on the power of nonviolent direct action [20-30 minutes]
- Parallel lines/Hassle Lines | Practice dealing with a hassle or conflict using nonviolence
- Tools for Grounding, Protecting, Blocking |
- Matrix Exercise Handout |
- Nonviolence Training | NVDA Preparation Agenda
- Do’s + Don’t’s Handout |
- Affinity Groups Handout
- Legal Issues/ Risking Arrest/ Representing Yourself Handout
WRL produces, often in collaboration with other activist groups, a number of curricula for workshops, including:

Movement Building for Allies
A facilitators’ manual for a workshop intended for white activists working in groups within the peace movement and other anti-militarist movements who want to deepen their understanding of how to do strategic organizing using an anti-oppression and cross-movement approach.

Check out WRL workshops on police militarization, military budgets, and more!
Check out WRL Online Store for more resources, including handbooks, organizing guides and our Nonviolence 101 brochure.

Women’s Pentagon Action by Ellen Shub