Want to get more involved in WRL? NC Nominations are open.


Do you have what it takes to help lead the War Resisters League?

Do you have the skills and vision to help chart WRL’s course in promoting revolutionary nonviolent change?

Do you know someone who does?

Nominations are open for the at-large seats on the National Committee (NC). This is WRL’s highest decision-making body. The NC meets twice a year in New York City and at other times by conference call to shape the WRL’s programs, policy and direction, and set its budget.

There are openings for eight at-large members to be elected by the membership later this year. (The other members are from WRL committees and the WRL Organizing Network.) All must be members of WRL (i.e., signers of the WRL pledge–see below). Four will come from geographical regions of the country, (one each from the Southeast, Northeast, Northwest and Southwest). The other four will come from historically and currently underrepresented communities (such as people of color, youth, low-income background, and gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender people).  NC terms are three years.

You can nominate yourself or someone else (but please check with them first). The nominee should provide a 200 word (or less) statement explaining why they are running and should include their complete contact information.

Mail or e-mail nominations to WRL Office Coordinator Linda Thurston at linda [at] warresisters.org. Be sure to include the email subject line “WRL NC Nomination”. If you are not sure if you have signed the WRL pledge (see below), please print it out, sign it and send that as well.  You can eitherscan it and e-mail it to us or mail it to WRL NC Nomination, 339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012.

Nominations are due by Monday, October 14. If you have questions, contact:  linda [at] warresisters.org.

WRL Pledge:

The War Resisters League affirms that war is a crime against humanity. We therefore are determined not to support any kind of war, international or civil, and to strive nonviolently for the removal of all causes of war, including racism, sexism and all forms of human exploitation.

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