War Resisters Block IRS Headquarters, 32 arrested

March 19, 2008 — Thirty-two people were arrested this morning as they staged a nonviolent blockade at the national headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service in Washington, DC. The protestors had placed yellow police tape saying “WAR CRIME SCENE” across four entrances to the building, including the main entrance on Constitution Ave. and additional entrances on 12th St.

The demonstration was part of a national day of protest marking the fifth anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

More than 100 others joined the demonstration carrying signs, banners and props that illustrated the disparity between war spending and the needs of an economy crippled by five years of war.

Click here for a list of media reports about the IRS blockade.

More details regarding the organizing of this event — including copies of the flyers, press release, and map of the area — can be found at www.warresisters.org/IRSinDC.htm

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