WRL Supports GI Resisters

Active military considering their options can look to the War Resisters League and other organizations for examples of GI resistance as well as practical guides. WRL’s new Resources for GI Rights and Resistance (PDF download) includes stories of GI resisters, videos featuring WRL members, articles, book reviews, and a book published by War Resisters’ International. Check out the GI Rights and Resistance page on WRL’s website to learn more.

WRL’s May 1991 Annual Dinner Honored Gulf War Resisters
Left to Right: Jo Becker (WRL National Committee at the time), Greg Payton (WRL Executive Committee + Vietnam Vet), Colleen Gallagher (honoree), Michael Marsh (WRL staff), Leslie Saunders (honoree), Ron Calabro (honoree).
Photo by David McReynolds

Active military can learn about their rights by calling the GI Rights Hotline and reading the  US Military Know Your Rights guide published in January 2025 by National Lawyers Guild Military Law Task Force, About Face Veterans Against the War, and Center on Conscience and War.
Not in the military but concerned about your family, friends, and neighbors who are? Share this information widely!

GI VOICES: You are not alone

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