War Tax Resistance: A Guide to Withholding Your Support from the Military by Ed Hedemann. War Resisters League’s 144-page comprehensive sourcebook. 8 1/2 x 11. 2003 with a 2014 update insert. $15 plus $2 bookrate or $4 first class. Order online.
Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes. Pie Chart street flyer, produced by the War Resisters League, showing the facts of federal spending priorities. Updated annually. Single copies free (call WRL at 212-228-0450) or download it in black and white or color, English or Spanish.
Some Writings on War Tax Resistance. Pamphlet #11 of the A.J. Muste Essay Series with pieces by Pete Seeger, Juanita Nelson, Allen Ginsberg, and more. Order online. $2 each.
Pamphlet series on “practical war tax resistance” produced by the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee:
#1: Controlling Federal Tax Withholding
#2: To File or Not to file an Income Tax Return
#3: How to Resist Collection, or Make the Most of Collection When it Occurs
#4: Self Employment: An Effective Path for War Tax Refusal
#5: Low Income/Simple Living as War Tax Resistance.
#6: Organizational War Tax Resistance, Employers, Contractors, and Financial Institutions. An overview of issues and solutions for individuals and institutions.
#7: Healthy, “Wealthy,” and Wise: Aging and War Tax Resistance
75¢ - $1 each, plus postage. Order from NWTRCC.
More Than a Paycheck, an 8-page newsletter about the war tax resistance movement, published bimonthly by the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee and available on-line. $15 a year.
Other NWTRCC Resources are available on-line at https://nwtrcc.org/store/.
Directory of war tax resistance organizations, people’s life funds, and counselors. Published by the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee and available on-line.
More information and resources on War Tax Resistance:
- What is War Tax Resistance?
- How To Resist War Taxes
- Consequences of War Tax Resistance
- U.S. Military Spending
- History of War Tax Resistance
- War Tax Resistance Resources
- War Tax Resistance Organizations
- National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee