WIN Fall 2010

Fall Reviews: Inform Your Action

Volume: 27

Number: 4

WRL News

  National Committee Renews Direction This summer’s National Committee (NC) meeting was held in August rather than July to accommodate a strategic planning session with consultant Suzanne Pharr. Together with Mandy Carter, Suzanne founded Southerners on New Ground (SONG), a Southern regional organization made up of working class, people of color, immigrants, and rural LGBTQ…

WRL Affiliate Report

WRL Affiliate Report

Westchester People’s Action Coalition (WESPAC), a Westchester County-based peace and justice organization, has been a force for progressive social change since 1974, starting with the courageous and dynamic leadership of Connie Hogarth and the many dedicated activists who surrounded her and built up the organization. I started working for WESPAC as the sole paid staff…

Your Letters

Brutus Tribute I was very happy with the spring (2010) issue of WIN magazine, and I was not familiar with Dennis Brutus. Because of the fine tribute that was written I went out and purchased his book Poetry and Protest. Enclosed are my dues and signed statement of support. Can we hope that George W….

WIN Letter

Independent Information = Informed Action “If those in charge of our society—politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television—can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power,” Howard Zinn wrote in Declarations of Independence. “They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves.” This was in 1991, during the…

“Making Folk a Threat Again” To The Militarist Powers That Be

“Making Folk a Threat Again” To The Militarist Powers That Be

An Interview with Musician and Activist Ryan Harvey In the tradition of Woody Guthrie, acoustic guitars are still being used as machines to kill fascists. The nearly dozen musicians of Riot Folk describe their group and mission as “an anti-profit mutual-aid collective of radical artists and musicians…[who] make music to provoke, educate, heal and inspire.”…

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