WIN Fall 2012

The Value of Land

Volume: 29

Number: 3

Staff Changes

Cal Moen moves on, Jay Cassano Joins WIN After four years in WRL’s national office in new York City as Editor/Publisher of WIN, Cal Moen moved to Vermont last January, to try to edit the magazine as a telecommuter. It didn’t work out that way, and Cal has switched hats, giving up the editorship and…

WIN News

WIN News

CALIFORNIA PRISONERS MAKE HISTORIC CALL FOR PEACE BETWEEN RACIAL GROUPS Oakland—Prisoners in Pelican Bay State Prison’s Security Housing Unit (SHU) have announced a push to end all hostilities between racial groups within California’s prisons and jails. The handwritten announcement was sent to prison advocacy organizations. It is signed by several prisoners, identifying themselves as the…

The Empowerment Manual

The Empowerment Manual

  WIN REVIEW Tools for Organizing The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups By Starhawk New Society Publishers, Canada, 2011; 304 pp. $24.95 paperback Starhawk is a rare breed of organizer, able to facilitate large and small meetings, in person or not. Over the years, this reviewer has personally seen her notice and share…

We Have Not Been Moved

We Have Not Been Moved

  WIN REVIEW A Stronger Movement Against War We Have Not Been Moved: Resisting Racism and Militarism in 21st Century America Edited by Elizabeth Betita Martínez, Mandy Carter & Matt Meyer with an Introduction by Cornel West PM Press/War Resisters League; 608 pp; 2012 $19.95 from WRL This impressive collection of essays, edited by Elizabeth…

Chicago Local Report

Chicago Local Report

WRL in Chicago War always lands hardest on the working class. So WRL’s Chicago local is known for its alliance with labor. When it became a local ten years ago, under the leadership of Charles Paid- ock, it worked closely with Chicago Labor Against the War. “We shared meeting space on Sheffield and collaborated on…

Field Report

Field Report

The WRL organizing team has been working with the new WRL Tear Gas working group to build the campaign that will launch late this fall. We have continued to add to the Facing Tear Gas site, including stories we collected recently at the one year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. We talked to many people…

No al carbón: Environmental Racism in Chicago

No al carbón: Environmental Racism in Chicago

The Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO) was recently victorious in a decade-long campaign to shut down two coal-fired power plants in Little Village, a Latino neighborhood in Chicago’s South Side. LVEJO has a variety of programs, such as its now-notorious “toxic tours” of the worst polluters in the community. The organization and staff, almost…

Your Letters

Your Letters

Bayard With regard to the introduction to Bayard Rustin’s speech in the most recent issue of WIN, Vol. 29, No. 2: I remember that Madison Square Garden Rally very well. It was almost a painful cry from Bayard that the movement needed to go into the streets and not be co-opted (as he was already…

WIN Letter

This issue of WIN, “The Value of Land,” serves as a reminder of the different ways we understand our relationship to and appreciation for land. For corporations, the land only represents potential profit, a physical obstacle to resources that can be exploited. For us, land is a source of food, the site of our homes,…

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