WIN Spring 2012

Occupy Reading
Volume 28, Number 4
Volume 29, Number 1

Volume: 28

Number: 4

Picturing Occupy Wall Street

By Felicity Palma Occupy Wall Street protesters gather in Lower Manhattan to resist the corporate greed and banking practices that caused the current economic crisis. The encampment in Zuccotti Park started September 17, 2011. Since then, hundreds of similar encampments have sprung up all over the country and world. nearly 7,000 people have been arrested…

Your Letters

SUSTAINABLE MEAT, UNSALTED I was taken aback when reading in the summer WIN (2011) editorial that avoidance of meat in the diet seems to be a foundational tenet of WRL’s nonviolence and that you had to issue what amounted to an apology or disclaimer about including a meat-based recipe from our indigenous cousins in Minnesota….

BOOK REVIEW: Debt: The First 5,000 Years

BOOK REVIEW: Debt: The First 5,000 Years

Between Credit, Bullion, and Rebellion Debt: The First 5,000 Years By David Graeber 2011, Melville House Publishing, 544 pages, $32 Right now, everyday people are feeling increasing stress from all directions. Pressure from the faltering economy, violence and warfare, debt/deficit worries, and austerity measures are approaching a breaking point. Human-scale economic considerations are being crushed…

BOOK REVIEW: Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games)

BOOK REVIEW: Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games)

Classics Revisited: A Child’s-Eye View of Wartime Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) Directed by René Clément 1952; in French; available (with English subtitles) from Netflix There are no battlefield scenes in Forbidden Games and only one explicit war scene; most of the movie takes place in the bucolic French countryside, at some remove from the fighting….

Rising Up Without Burning Out

Rising Up Without Burning Out

By Mindful Occupation Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted. —Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In September 2011, the Occupy Wall Street protests erupted in response to the growing social and economic injustice that becomes more visible each day. Many of us with backgrounds in mental health and disability organizing have been…

Welcome Home: Building an Inclusive Movement for the 99 Percent

  I’m on a number of email lists across the activist spectrum, and have noticed an increasing tendency toward what might be termed “ideological opportunism” on the part of some sectors that ostensibly stand in support of the Occupy Movement. The idea that certain segments—most viscerally the derogatory and divisive tropes of the “freeloading homeless”…

The Resistance Is Global

The Resistance Is Global

Photo by Felicity Palma Since the brutal eviction of Occupy Wall Street’s (OWS) enscampment at Liberty Plaza, questions about the future of the Occupy movement have loomed large. Its rapid development comprised two months of near-constant actions, arrests, and activity. What we built from September 17 to November 17 is transitioning into a long-term movement…

Occupation: Liberation

  Resistance in Brooklyn (RnB), a 20-year-old anti-racist, anti-imperialist collective rooted in the 1970s/80s movements in solidarity with struggles of communities and nations of color, is awed by the creativity, tenacity, and commitment of the burgeoning Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement. RnB has been working with Occupy since early October, focusing most of our energies…

Why I Occupy: An Open Letter

  October 7, 2011 Dear Extended Families, As many of you may know, I’ve been getting super excited about all this “We Are the 99%” and “Occupy Wall Street” stuff. Coincidentally, as these protests have been spreading we’re covering the American, French, and Haitian revolutions in the community college history classes I teach. Examining past…

WIN Letter

A Fierce Hope Carries Us Suddenly, there’s optimism. The rising movements have seen setbacks: the betrayal of much of Egypt’s spring, evictions of occupiers everywhere. Yet the movements appear to be continuing and, on the whole, to react to those setbacks as challenges, not defeats. If the risings circled the globe like a virus, the…

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