WIN Summer 2006

Movement Building Across Generations

Volume: 23

Number: 3

Merchant of Death – Alliant Techsystems

Merchant of Death – Alliant Techsystems

WANTED: Name: Alliant Techsystems Corporate Headquarters: Edina, Minnesota Primary Products/Services: Bullets, artillery, cluster and depleted uranium munitions, mine systems CEO: Dan Murphy Total 2006 Sales: $3.1 Billion Campaign Contributions: $175,360 (2002 – 2006) BULLETS: A CONSUMABLE PRODUCT The “Long War” needs lots of bullets.  With the United States fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and training…

WIN News

WIN News

Protesters delay weapons shipment to Iraq More than three dozen antiwar activists in Olympia, WA were arrested during a weeklong protest over the shipment of military equipment to Iraq through the port of Olympia.  The military cargo shipped out on June 1 as close to 100 protesters staged a “die-in” and chanted, “Stop that boat!”…

Winning the Vote

Remembering the Ladies Who Got Women the Vote Winning the Vote: The Triumph of the American Woman Suffrage Movement Robert P.J. Cooney Jr. 2005, American Graphic Press in collaboration with the American Women’s History Project; 479 pages, 960 illus.; $85, hardcover Remember the ladies,” wrote Abigail Adams in 1776 to her husband, the revolutionary leader…

Sir! No Sir!

GIs Just Say No Sir! No Sir! Directed by David Zeiger 2006, Displaced Films Running time: 84 minutes. One of the greatest achievements of the anti-Vietnam War movement was the creation of a GI coffeehouse and counseling network. The first coffeehouse opened outside Ft. Jackson, SC, in late 1967, two-and-a-half years after U.S. troops were…

Philosophical Nonviolence

  American Nonviolence: The History of an Idea By Ira Chernus 2004, Orbis Books; 234 pages. $20.00, paperback Ira Chernus, a professor of religious studies, has written American Nonviolence primarily from the religious perspective. While he includes material on the secular basis for nonviolence, most of his study involves individuals and groups who based their…

David Dellinger: The Life and Times of a Nonviolent Revolutionary

Revolutionary Nonviolence and the Critiquing of David Dellinger David Dellinger: The Life and Times of a Nonviolent Revolutionary By Andrew E. Hunt 2006, New York University Press; 346 pages. $34.95, hardcover As catchphrases go, “revolutionary nonviolence” has not exactly caught the imagination of many activists. Full of rhetoric and apparently contradictory meanings, those two words…

Letters from Young Activists

  The Future Is Now Letters from Young Activists: Today’s Rebels Speak Out Edited by Dan Berger, Chesa Boudin, and Kenyon Farrow. 2005, Nation Books; 256 pages. $14.95, paperback You’d better listen up. And quick,” write Dan Berger, Chesa Boudin, and Kenyon Farrow in their editors’ introduction to Letters from Young Activists. Many readers-especially those…

WRL News Summer 2006

International COs Build Lasting Alliances A room full of international conscientious objectors and antiwar activists listened intently at the Church of Brethen in Washington, DC, as Xavier León Vega told his story of conscientious objection to military service in Ecuador. Since 1999, when he declared himself a CO, León Vega has been engaged a legal…

Impressions of Iran

  You may wonder why 16 Americans, one German and a Puerto Rican set off for ten days in Iran at a time of increasing international hostility toward the country. Rather than a deterrent, this mounting aggression was the impetus for a delegation to the country last December, organized by the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR)….

Welcome to WIN

WIN Through Revolutionary Nonviolence Welcome to WIN. This is the first issue of the War Resisters League’s newest expression of our oldest practice: nonviolence. Although this latest incarnation is new, WIN magazine is not. The Workshop in Nonviolence (WIN), a direct action group in New York City and an affiliate of the Committee for Nonviolent…

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