WIN Summer 2007

Another World Taking Root

Volume: 24

Number: 2

WIN Reviews

WIN Reviews

Violence and Women of Color Color of Violence: The INCITE! Anthology by INCITE! Women of Color against Violence South End Press, 2007. 260 pages; $18, paperback The radical feminist activist group INCITE! was born out of the “Color of Violence” conference in April 2000. The conference sought to address the failures of racial justice and…

Decentralizing Money

  In today’s global economy, national currencies have the effect of centralizing ownership of wealth, and of widening the gap between the rich and poor. They undermine local communities, devastate indigenous peoples, and pollute the environment. Decentralized regional currencies, in counterpoint, work to redistribute wealth more broadly, while supporting unique regional identities, cultures and communities….

Harm Free Zones

Rethinking Restorative Justice by NYC Harm Free Zone Collective In our communities, we face harm in our everyday lives in many forms. State institutions such as the police, the courts, ICE (the former INS), and the prison system are a major source of physical and psychological injury. The Restorative Justice movement in the US is…

Letter from WIN

The Other World That’s Taking Root Call it constructive program. Call it building a new society. Call it survival. Organizers around the country (and the world!), re-envisioning political struggle, are constructing alternative systems to meet the basic needs of their communities. The tidal wave of privatization and the slashing of social services deny more and…

WRL News

WRL News

Taking a Pulse of the Movement: A Way to Listen to Our Allies WRL’s internal processes of self-evaluation and visioning forward have made us aware of a new imperative. Today’s peace and justice movement faces unique challenges and opportunities. The growing unpopularity of the war in Iraq and other Bush administration policies has opened space…

Community Land Trusts

  Local, Equitable, Spiritual Community-based groups across the country are working to create sustainable solutions to economic problems such as lack of affordable housing and the loss of local food systems. Within this grassroots movement, people are re-examining their relationships to each other and to their resources and experimenting with new models of development that…

Constructive Program: Creating a New Society in the Shell of the Old

  Gandhi called for “complete Independence by truthful and nonviolent means.” He counseled that social change requires building the new society in the shell of the old, which he termed constructive program. The nonviolence movement in the West has not emphasized this goal for the most part. In the United States, we mostly focus on…

WIN News

Oakland longshore union honors antiwar picket, shuts down port International Longshore and Warehouse Union locals stopped work at the Stevedoring Services of America (SSA) gates at the Port of Oakland on May 19. Union workers honored a community picket line demanding an end to military shipments to occupied Iraq. Three ships sat at the SSA…

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