WIN Summer 2009

Crossing Borders

Volume: 26

Number: 3

WRL News

WRL News

YOUTHPEACE X For the last ten years, WRL-New England has organized a YouthPeace Experiment, an annual weekend training for high school students in Voluntown, Conn. The name, chosen by the YouthPeace Club at Norwich Free Academy, comes from a quote by Gandhi: “Those who are attracted to nonviolence should, according to their ability and opportunity,…

WIN Letter

Building Bridges Across Borders Fences mark private property—backyards, farms, and gated communities. Fences inhibit freedom of movement. They encircle prisons, concentration camps, and military compounds. They separate people into “us” and “them,” forcing distinctions and emphasizing differences. There is a fence on the cover of this issue. People have died crossing this fence, memorialized with…

Conscientious Objection

Conscientious Objection

Global Resistance Conscientious Objection: Resisting Militarized Society Edited by Özgür Heval Çınar and Coşkun Üsterci Zed Books, 2009, 268 pages, $35.95 In January 2007, an international conference on conscientious objection was held at Istanbul Bilgi University. More than 300 people participated during the two days of the conference, and special attention was paid to the…

Teaching Rebellion

Teaching Rebellion

Voices from Oaxaca Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots Mobilization in Oaxaca Edited by Diana Denham and the C.A.S.A. Collective PM Press, 2008, 384 pages, $21.99 Women take to the streets with pots and pans to occupy the state-run radio station, men throw rocks in defense against police gunshots, and youth create their own community…

Roberto Martinez: The Struggle to Overcome the U.S.-Mexico Divide

Roberto Martinez: The Struggle to Overcome the U.S.-Mexico Divide

At 6:30 a.m. on May 20, agents from the U.S. Border Patrol and the Transportation Safety Administration descended on a trolley station near downtown San Diego. After questioning commuters about their U.S. residency status—allegedly because they were behaving suspiciously—agents detained 21 individuals, three of whom were teenagers on their way to their high school. Later…

Inside Immigrant Prisons

Inside Immigrant Prisons

Recently, the Donald Wyatt Center in Rhode Island lost its contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to house 153 immigrant prisoners after the horrific death of a detainee. Center representatives publicly bemoaned the loss of $100,000 per week and quickly began looking for a way to get more prisoners. The chairman of the…

Your Letters

ARMY ANTIDOTE Bryan Farrell’s article makes good points in the debate on the War Department’s bogus claim to being green. Our community has five military bases divided among the Army and Air Force. The Pentagon’s local green campaign has been in high gear for at least five years. It has had great success in “green…

Art and Resistance in the Magdalena Medio

Art and Resistance in the Magdalena Medio

Translated by Christian Peacemaker Teams Colombia The Magdalena Medio is a region in northwest Colombia that contains the city of Barrancabermeja. The Fifth Commandment Youth Collective is an organization of young conscientious objectors, nonviolent activists, and antimilitarists in Barrancabermeja. It struggles for a more inclusive, just, and equal society. Its seeks alternatives to forced recruitment…

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