WIN Summer 2010

Cover art by Kate Collins

Volume: 27

Number: 3

WRL Affiliate Report: Washington Truth in Recruiting (WaTiR)

Washington Truth in Recruiting (WaTiR) began as a small group meeting in the greater Seattle area to organize counter-recruitment actions in 2003. The group included members of Veterans for Peace and other organizations opposed to the Iraq war. Four had teenage children or grandchildren at risk for recruiter contact and intrusion of privacy rights. An…

Contesting Patriotism: Culture, Power, and Strategy in the Peace Movement

Study War No More: Peace Sociology and Our Messages Contesting Patriotism: Culture, Power, and Strategy in the Peace Movement Lynne M. Woerle, Patrick G. Coy, and Gregory M. Maney Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2009, 244 pages, $24.95 Contesting Patriotism is a bombproof, peer-reviewed academic study on the ways the peace movement has responded to…



Bob Witkowski, 1953–2010 Robert C. “Bob” Witkowski, 57, of Ashley, PA (formally of Wilkes-Barre), passed away on March 20, 2010, unexpectedly at his home. Bob worked passionately over the last four decades for peace and justice issues and was a long-time member and Steering Club member of the Interfaith Resource Center for Peace and Justice…

Maryland Opts Out of ASVAB

Maryland Opts Out of ASVAB

Standardized tests have long been the scourge of high school students’ academic careers. New York State students take the dreaded Regents exams, California students take the CSTs, and Texas students take the TAKS. Those preparing to apply to college ready themselves for the PSATs and SATs. Yet, some high school students, voluntarily or not, take…

WIN Letter

Refuse, Resolve, Resist There is a “multidimensional continuum,” as Edward Hasbrouck puts it, of resistance to fighting in war. From young people opposing military recruitment in their high schools to veterans counseling GIs around military bases to conscientious objectors serving time in military prisons for refusing to deploy, those who work for a just and…

Talking About the Draft

  But that’s not what I came to tell you about,” Arlo Guthrie famously sang in “Alice’s Restaurant Massacree” in 1967. “I came to talk about the draft.” Then, the draft loomed large, and antiwar activists had all they could do to counsel resisters. These days it’s the other way around. Activists go to youth…

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